Gemma never expected to give birth at home, let alone on the toilet! And after having her son very suddenly, she decided to name him Louis - very apt! We shared her fantastic story in Real People magazine...
Gemma says:
'On 24th September 2015 I picked my son up from nursery at lunchtime.
I came home and made a huge pot of spaghetti bolognaise.
I sat and ate lunch with my son and then was on my hand and knees clearing up spaghetti from the floor when I began to feel contractions.
I rang my husband about 1.30pm to tell him to come home.
Meanwhile I rang my mum who happened to work at the maternity
unit I was due to have the baby at.
I was going into labour but felt fine and was going to go to a midwife appointment which was meant to be at 2pm.
She said: 'Don't get in the car whatever you do, I'll speak to the midwife here'.
The midwife told my mum to tell me to stay at home as contractions had to be every 3 minutes over 2 hours which they weren't.
By this point it was 2pm anyway so I decided to stay at home and wait for hubby (Russell) to get home.
Hubby rang and said he was 20 minutes away. He said I sounded fine at this point. Pains got worse so decided to go up to bathroom.
All of a sudden I felt baby drop down and felt whole amniotic sac. I panicked the baby would be born in the sac.
At this point my son came upstairs and told me off for making noise then proceeded to ask to go to the toilet (we only had one in the house). Somehow I managed to take him to the loo then told him to go downstairs and watch the TV - for once he listened to me!
Husband called again at which point I was shouting for him to get home! Then my waters went and I felt babies head - at this point I knew I was on my own.
I prepared myself and on the next contraction the baby came out and I caught him before he went down the loo!
He was born at 2.25pm, around 45mins after contractions began.
Once I caught him gave him a good rub on the back and he cried so I knew all was ok.
My husband missed it by 2 minutes. He called upstairs on his arrival and I said you better come up, the baby’s here.
He said - what are you talking about he's watching the telly?
I will never forget the look on his face when he came up and saw me holding our second son!
Thank goodness our baby was healthy and well.
He weighed a whopping 9lb2oz!
And after all the commotion we decided to name him Louis after his place of birth – my dad’s idea.
I can't wait to tell Louis the meaning of his name when he's older. I can just imagine it now, being used as part of his best man’s speech!'