I couldn't believe Clare Wordley's transformation - as soon as I saw her photos I knew she had a story to share in the UK press. I wrote her story for Chat magazine and Woman monthly, and she was chuffed with both.
Clare, 48, went from dowdy and depressed to feeling 21 again after losing 10st and forking out £10k on a full body makeover. Now feeling more alive than ever, the glam gran plans to grow old as disgracefully as possible - and says she doesn't need a man anymore...
‘After coming out of a 16-year marriage that ended badly, I was miserable. So my GP prescribed me antidepressants.
'They had a reverse reaction and made me feel suicidal, resulting in me trying to kill myself three times. The medication also made me gain weight and as well as gaining 2 stone after having four kids, now 30, 29, 21, 20, I piled on another 8 stone.
'Tipping the scales at 19st 8.5lb and more than doubling in dress size - from a 12 to a 28 - I was clinically depressed and clinically obese. My anxiety was so bad I didn’t want to leave the house...

'One day, I was at work in the salon where I worked as a beautician when a friend said: 'You've spent 40 years without these meds, you don’t need them.' It was like something snapped in my head and I gradually weaned myself off.
'I started a 3-a-day shake diet and shrunk until I was a size 6/8 and weighed 9st 4lbs – but there was a catch. An apron of loose skin hung from my stomach, sagged on my legs and arms, and my boobs resembled two teabags.
'I saved £10k and in January 2023, I travelled to Lithuania and practically ran into theatre, excited to have a full body-lift, including my breasts. I came out with the stomach of a 21-year-old gym-goer!
'I landed a new job as a chauffeur and my wardrobe changed too. Out went the baggy tent-like t-shirts, and in came the smallest clothing I could find! Tight leather trousers, sexy leopard print dresses, and tiny cleavage-revealing crop tops.
'I’ve been on a million dates, but I’ve now realised I don’t need a man anymore. I'm perfectly happy being single and a ‘hot granny’ as I'm known! I became a grandmother aged 42 – I have three grandchildren and another on the way. But people never believe me when I tell them.
'I've gained a stone since my diet, as I felt too thin, and I'm now 10st 6lb and a size 10. I’ve even had friends say, ‘Clare, is that really you?’ I look and feel like a completely different person.
‘In October, I returned to Lithuania for an arm lift. The weight loss and surgery has transformed me from a recluse to a confident, outgoing granny who likes to wear next to nothing. I want to grow old as disgracefully as possible!’
Clare had her surgery at private plastic surgery clinic Nordesthetics, in Kaunas, Lithuania.