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  • Writer's pictureJulia Sidwell

Cheated on at CHRISTMAS

When Frani wanted to set the record straight about her cheating ex, Tell and Sell Stories were more than happy to help. We chatted to her before quickly securing her a deal in That's Life magazine...

sell my love rat story

Frani met Kieron online and it wasn't long before she fell head over heels for his charms. But after a smooth start to their relationship, Frani received a message...

Hi Frani, did you know Kieron is shagging his way around the town?

Gobsmacked, Frani confronted Kieron who claimed the woman was just jealous and lying. He even suggested they get married to prove how much he loved her.

Frani came round and agreed. And soon it was their wedding day. But in the morning, before they walked down the aisle, Frani received more messages from a woman claiming to have slept with Kieron.

Believing Kieron when he said the woman was simply causing trouble, she put her phone away and they went ahead and tied the knot.

Life was good as husband and wife, until one day Frani received a call from Kieron's sister saying she'd just seen him leap over the fence with a bag of clothes, before jumping into another woman's car...

It wasn't until a week later that he turned up, confessing he'd had an affair.

Frani was destroyed. He had broken her heart. But Kieron was remorseful and Frani had meant her marriage vows when they'd exchanged them - so she gave him another chance.

Three years passed and the day before Christmas Eve, Frani went out for an evening meal with some friends.

But when she got home, she spotted a pair of shoes in the hall – women’s shoes.

She flew upstairs and the two writhing naked bodies in her bed leapt apart.

Crying and screaming, she couldn't believe Kieron had cheated - in their martial bed.

There were no more second chances…

Frani split with Kieron and she's now waiting for ther divorce to be finalised.

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